Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome to The Zona Plus Experiment.  

Here is a quick overview of what this blog is about. I am currently a college student who is one more doctor’s visit away from being put on medication for high blood pressure. From family experience I know that once I start on medication, the odds are that I will take them for the rest of my life. I want to avoid that at all costs.  

After doing some research, I found that there are very few alternatives, other than the typical "reduce salt intake" and "make sure to exercise" types of advice. I already exercise daily and try to watch what I eat, so what else could I do? I wasn't sure.  

Then as I was thumbing through a catalog few weeks ago I saw an ad for the Zona Plus. I had actually seen that same ad in the past, but hadn't given it too much thought. This time though, I had recently visited the doctor, so finding ways to reduce blood pressure was on my mind.  

After reading the ad, I was a bit skeptical. I mean... could squeezing a device for 12 minutes 5 times a week really lower my blood pressure? After searching online I found a few reviews, most were positive, but some were not. The device claims to have over a 90% success rate, so perhaps some of those reviews were from the other <10%. Despite that fact it still has a better success rate than the Resperate, which is another device that claims to lower blood pressure.  

After spending a while searching, I found that there was really a lack of information on this device, especially user reviews. I think at this point in time, with a wealth of information at our fingertips known as the internet, many people rely on user reviews. I then decided to create a blog which tracks my progress from start to finish using the Zona Plus. I hope that perhaps it can serve as a source of information to others out there who are thinking about trying it out.  

I will be posting comments as well as my daily blood pressure on here so all can see my progress. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions.