Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Current Progress

Well, it has been almost 3 weeks since I started using the Zona Plus and it is starting to become a daily routine is that quite easy to do. My hands still end up a little red after each use, but overall it is great. Much better since I have gotten used to it.

I have been monitoring my blood pressure and so far it has been about average. I just took it and it is 116/86. No too bad, but the number that really needs to be decreased is my diastolic. I will keep going and see what happens!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blood Pressure 6-11-09

Just took my blood pressure. Now I know that the Zona Plus is not supposed to give results for a few weeks, but my BP was just below average: 121/82 Not bad! Hope that trend continues.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Impressions of the Zona Plus

I wanted to wait a few days before giving my impressions of the Zona Plus, but here it goes. I really didn't know what to expect the first time I decided to use it.

The whole excercise takes about 12 minutes. When the device is turned on, it measures the hardest you can squeeze with your right hand. Then there is a 10 second break, and you squeeze as hard as you can with the left hand. Once those measurements have been taken it is time to start.

When you squeeze at the beginning, it creates a target value where you have to squeeze constantly for 2 minutes. After that you have a 60 second break, and then another 2 minutes with the other hand. This cycle is repeated 2 times.

This is what the screen looks with a brief description of what each item means. (Click to make the images bigger)

If you don't squeeze enough, or squeeze too much, there is a visual warning as well as different audible beeps in case you aren't looking at the device at the time. Below you can see what a perfect squeeze is. It will say hold, and your goal is to hold it there for the whole 2 minutes.

I read online some reviews of people who have arthritis say negative things about the Zona Plus. I can now understand. If you have problems squeezing, then this is not the device for you as a lot of pressure has to be applied. Below is a nice picture of my nice red hand after the first time I used the device.

After each excercise, a score shows up. This score lets you know how well you did at keeping at the target range. With my first try I scored 85 (my wife tried it and scored 99 on her first try). According to the manual anything over 85 is good. The past three times I have scored in the 90's with my high being 97.

That is basically it. 12 minutes a day is more than worth it if this delivers the results I hope it will. My advice to anyone who is trying out this device is to not give up after your first try, things will quickly get better.

One more thing.... my blood pressure today was 128/87.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Last Doctors Visit

Just to give everyone an idea of where I am coming from before starting the Zona Plus; On my last visit to the doctor my blood pressure was 156 / 96. Despite that fact, I believe that I suffer from something called White Coat Hypertension. You can read more about it Here. Dad, who also has high blood pressure, used to talk about having White Coat, and I believe I have the same problem.

Since my doctors visit, I have been taking my blood pressure on a fairly regular basis at home with an Omron brand blood pressure monitor (They make outstanding products which I would recommend to anyone). Anyway, my blood pressure taken at home has averaged about 125 / 87. As you can see, that is a much lower reading than what the doctors saw.

So 125/87 is my starting blood pressure. I will be taking it daily and posting the results here to show my progress. Though, according to the information I have read, the progress for the Zona Plus is very sudden, and doesn't normally occur until 5 or 6 weeks have passed. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Holy Fast Shipping Batman!

Well what a surprise I had today. I called home at one point and my wife told me the Zona Plus had arrived! That 2-3 days I was told yesterday turned out to be less than 24 hours! I was amazed, but with all of my school work today, I didn't have a chance to unbox it until about 9:30 PM. Below are a few pictures of unboxing the device: (Click any of the pictures to make them bigger)

The package and the back of the Zona Plus box

After opening the box, I found a registration card, manual, magnet, introduction as well as the device and a battery

The Zona Plus device

After inserting the battery I turned it on by holding down the green button for 2 seconds.

Tomorrow I will start my daily posting and give my initial impressions of using the device!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Ordered

Well today was the day. I just ordered the Zona Plus. My experience with the company so far has been outstanding. Everyone was quite friendly and I was told that the product would ship out today!

Since I live in Utah, and they are based in Idaho, it should be here in the next 2-3 days. Can't wait to start!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome to The Zona Plus Experiment.  

Here is a quick overview of what this blog is about. I am currently a college student who is one more doctor’s visit away from being put on medication for high blood pressure. From family experience I know that once I start on medication, the odds are that I will take them for the rest of my life. I want to avoid that at all costs.  

After doing some research, I found that there are very few alternatives, other than the typical "reduce salt intake" and "make sure to exercise" types of advice. I already exercise daily and try to watch what I eat, so what else could I do? I wasn't sure.  

Then as I was thumbing through a catalog few weeks ago I saw an ad for the Zona Plus. I had actually seen that same ad in the past, but hadn't given it too much thought. This time though, I had recently visited the doctor, so finding ways to reduce blood pressure was on my mind.  

After reading the ad, I was a bit skeptical. I mean... could squeezing a device for 12 minutes 5 times a week really lower my blood pressure? After searching online I found a few reviews, most were positive, but some were not. The device claims to have over a 90% success rate, so perhaps some of those reviews were from the other <10%. Despite that fact it still has a better success rate than the Resperate, which is another device that claims to lower blood pressure.  

After spending a while searching, I found that there was really a lack of information on this device, especially user reviews. I think at this point in time, with a wealth of information at our fingertips known as the internet, many people rely on user reviews. I then decided to create a blog which tracks my progress from start to finish using the Zona Plus. I hope that perhaps it can serve as a source of information to others out there who are thinking about trying it out.  

I will be posting comments as well as my daily blood pressure on here so all can see my progress. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions.